Friday, February 11, 2011

French Penis-Leash Couple Arrested at Shops

CARCASSONNE, France (AFP) – French police said Thursday they arrested a 63-year-old woman who was leading her 40-year-old companion along a busy shopping street by a leash attached to his exposed penis.
The couple were detained Wednesday afternoon in the southwestern city of Carcassonne and were due to appear in court in April on charges of public indecency.
The couple admitted to being sex addicts and said they were in the middle of a game when arrested, police said.

Is this actual news in France? I imagine this kind of debauchery is commonplace in that society. Just another day out shopping with the naked gimp. La de da.

I also imagine that these people worked their way up to this step. Like you don't just march out one day with a guy on a dick leash butt naked and say "here I am world, ready or not here I come." No. You probably walk out naked a few times and people are like "oh there's that naked couple! They're always naked so its fine." That's the way France must operate. Then when you work your way up to dude-on-a-dick-leash status, people will be primed for acceptance of your offbeat mannerisms. It was probably some out-of-town shopper in this town that was just there for the day and saw this and got horrified. Maybe not, maybe she just had her kids with her and was trying to set an example. Either way, you gotta think these things through and act professional. Stick to your neighborhood or your local haunts. Start by getting the mail or answering the door with dick leash man and gauge people's reactions. Downtown Carcasonne just wasn't ready, nude French couple.

PS- When I went to France when I was 13, I tried to go to a water park in my bathing suit. The bulky French gatekeeper told me I needed to wear a Speedo, and that I could 'rent one' if I came unequipped. So I'm not a bit surprised by this story. Fucking French.

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